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Old Gold. New Love.

Encounter a captivating collection of meticulously chosen antique, vintage, and estate fine jewelry, each with its own rich history and craftsmanship. Every piece holds unique stories, waiting to begin new chapters with their discerning owners.

Discover our hidden gems...

The Purpose of PicobeCo

  • Generosity

    We believe in paying it forward. A portion of every purchase is dedicated to supporting non-profits, including those involved in disaster relief, refugee assistance, aiding the homeless, funding hospitals, and more.

  • Sustainability

    We are committed to a sustainable future. Buying pre-loved items minimizes the environmental damage caused by mining practices in the jewelry industry and helps preserve the Earth's resources.

  • Happiness

    We aim to ignite joy with our curated collection. Each piece is hand-picked for its unique design and craftsmanship. Our genuine aspiration is for happiness and meaning to be discovered through our finds.